Labels:text | black and white | font | screenshot | document OCR: The year was 1857, the place, Utah. Ten years earlier, the Mormons had made a significant emigration to the area. Now the Church wanted sovereignty over it, and there was significant tension with the federal government. Into this atmosphere rolled the Fechner party, a wagon- train moving from Arkansas to California. The Mormon settlers greeted the party less than hospitably, and refused to help them with supplies, routes, etc. In fact, so disagreeable did the Mormons find these Gentile intruders, that certain of them colluded with a local Indian tribe to kill them, all of them. The Indians gave it a shot, but couldn't carry out the task. They returned to their Mormon allies, and demanded that they assist in the matter. Allegedly led by one John D. Lee, a group of 50 or so armed Mormons, be ...